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Commercial End of Lease Cleaning

Customer-focussed Commercial End Of Lease Cleaning In Melbourne

At End of Lease Clean, we have got your office and commercial lease cleaning needs fulfilled at an unbeatable price. We have the best office cleaners who are familiar with industry-upgrade cleaning requirements of commercial spaces and ensure to handover a sparkling clean property you can boast about. Depending upon the nature and size, every property has it’s own cleaning requirements and therefore, our skilled and vetted cleaners follow a detailed cleaning checklist to ensure your office end of lease bond cleaning requirements are 100% met.At End of Lease Clean, we understand the complexity involved in commercial end of lease cleaning in Melbourne, especially if it is fully furnished. Our expert team of cleaning professionals are trained to clean everything-starting from desks, bathrooms, sinks to reception areas and office carpet to ensure you get 100% bond back.

end oflease cleaning
end of lease clean
Unmatched Office Cleaning Services Within Your Budget
Did you ever search for eco-friendly office end of lease cleaning but failed to find a reliable one whom you can place your trust upon? At End of Lease Clean, we are different and unique from others in terms of our products, equipment and cleaning supplies. Unlike most other competitors, we use eco-friendly bio-degradable detergents for all kinds of office cleaning and ensure it doesn’t harm your employees. Think of budgeted office end of lease cleaning in Melbourne and we are ready to serve you! We value our clients and have designed our packages keeping your budget in mind.
Customer-focussed Office Bond Cleaning In Melbourne
At End of Lease Clean, we invest substantial amount of time in understanding our client’s requirements and come up with a tailored checklist to comply with the highest cleaning standards. Our aim is to provide comprehensive office end of lease cleaning that can keep your office environment healthy and help you pass end of lease inspection successfully.
Comprehensive Checklist Of Commercial End Of Lease Cleaning In Melbourne


  • Remove cobwebs, spots and small nests of pests, termites and insects.
  • Clean fans, air-conditioners and filters.
  • Wipe off lightings, fittings and fixtures.
  • Dusting of switchboards, power plugs and sockets.
  • Cleaning drawers, cupboards, tops and shelves, windows.
  • Vacuum sliding door tracks and clean tracks.
  • Vacuum all floors, carpets and walls.


  • Cleaning in and out of cupboards, doors, shelves and drawers.
  • Wiping off stovetops, elements, rings and knobs.
  • Cleaning oven, refrigerator, dishwasher and microwave with good-quality products.
  • Clean and dry sinks, drain holes and tapware.
  • Wipe off kitchen benchtops, backsplashes, walls and ceilings.
cleaning service

Carpet Cleaning:

  • Carpet steam cleaning
  • Carpet Mould Treatment
  • Wiping off dirt, germs, allergens and pollens.
  • Dry carpet cleaning
  • Carpet shampooing, vacuuming and deodorising.


  • Cleaning exhaust fans
  • Disinfect toilet seats, around cistern and under toilet seat.
  • Clean bath, showerheads, remove built-up and soap scums residue on tiles and shower screens.
  • Polish tapware, towel rails and shelves.
  • Clean mirrors and windows and floors.


  • Clean inside and outside of cupboards, drawers and shelves.
  • Clean washing machines, equipment and filters.
  • Disinfecting washing appliances, cabinets and surfaces.
Trusted & Reliable Office Bond Cleaning Partner

At End of Lease Clean, we know how frustrating it is to clean an office premises before an exit date, especially if it is upholstered and furnished. Our end of lease cleaning packages is economical and is designed keeping your budget in mind.

  • We have a streamlined process
  • Certified and trained professionals
  • 100% service guarantee
  • True value of money
  • Cutting-edge technology
  • 1500+Happy Customers
  • 100% Customer Satisfaction
  • 30+Certified Cleaners
  • 1000+Bond Cleans Completed

Get in touch with us and pass end of lease inspection successfully! Dial us and impress the property inspectors right away!
