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End of Lease Cleaning East Melbourne

Premium End Of Lease Cleaning In East Melbourne: 100% Bond Back Guaranteed

Are you looking for a trusted bond cleaning partner to alleviate your last-minute end of lease cleaning stress? End of Lease Clean is here to simplify your move-out and help you secure 100% bond back. Our advanced cleaning techniques are tailored to suit “landlord-specific” demands and guarantees full refund of your security deposit money!

When it comes to end of lease cleaning service in East Melbourne , most tenants seem to have nightmares due to the strenuous effort, time and skills involved from start to end. Property inspectors are overly picky during lease inspection and expect their property to be in good shape. At End of Lease Clean, our end of lease cleaners in East Melbourne understand your concern and put our best efforts to make bond cleaning successful and stress-free!

Green Vacate Cleaning To Make Your Leased Property Sparkle

Whether you are a new tenant or a regular tenant, it’s important to perform deep bond cleaning in Melbourne to ensure 100% bond back. At End of Lease Clean, we have a team of vetted professionals who are efficient to handle industry-upgrade cleaning tools and equipment to eliminate dust, germs and allergens and make your property germ-free.Unlike most other competitors, we use eco-friendly bio-degradable products keeping in mind the health of your family members. The cleaning detergents we use are non-toxic and chemical-free and ensure zero health-hazards to your kids and pets.

end of lease clean
Professional End Of Lease Clean In East Melbourne Tailored To Impress Landlord
End of lease clean may seem to be an easy undertake, but if not performed correctly, it can fetch you undue worries. Our end of lease clean experts in East Melbourne have been fulfilling client’s demands for many years and have emerged to be the preferred partner of majority of tenants in East Melbourne . We prioritise cleaning every nook and corner of your property including the ‘hard-to-reach’ areas to ensure you get 100% refund on the day of lease inspection.
Comprehensive Bond Cleaning Checklist For Guaranteed Bond Refund

At End of Lease Clean, you can expect to qualify lease inspection successfully. The reason being, we offer 360-degree end of lease clean in East Melbourne , leaving no corner untouched. Our end of lease cleaning checklist cover:

  • Floor cleaning
  • Upholstery cleaning
  • Kitchen cleaning
  • Bathroom cleaning
  • Sofa, bed and cushion cleaning
  • Ceiling and wall cleaning
  • Oven cleaning
  • Benchtops and countertop cleaning
  • Refrigerator cleaning
  • Carpet steam cleaning
  • Dusting switchboards, door handles
  • Electrical appliances cleaning
  • Furniture cleaning
bond cleaners
cleaning service
We Impress Your Landlord Right Away On The Day Of Lease Inspection

When it comes to end of lease cleaning service in East Melbourne , landlords are particular about every minute detail and expect their premises to be in an immaculate state.At End of Lease Clean, our certified bond cleaners understand landlord’s unique requirements and make your premises perfect “tenant-ready”. With us, you can eliminate the need for a re-cleaning job as we perform our task with perfection and care. Our truck-mounted cleaning equipment can scrape off dirt, stains, grease and mould from every corner and make your rental property shine like new.

Your Happiness Is Guaranteed With Us

End of Lease Clean is your one-stop partner for vacate cleaning in East Melbourne . We keep ourselves abreast of latest cleaning techniques and execute our task in a hassle-free manner. We bring our own cleaning equipment and perform lease cleaning following latest industry practises. With us, you can be assured of zero damage to property and health.

Book a Service!

Don’t let bond cleaning seize your mental peace! Partner with us and impress your landlord right away! We offer seamless a booking platform where you can enter your details and ask for a suitable quote! HURRY!

vacate cleaning